Saturday 11 February 2023

SURVEY: What audio playback system and/or streaming music service are you using in 2023?

Hey there gals and guys. I've been busy over the last while getting some things at work going, so this means it's time for a survey to hear from you ;-).

It's always good to know what audio lovers are doing out there and this could of course help me look at interesting topics to examine in the future. The last time I did this was back in 2019, looking at adoption of streaming services and lossy vs. lossless among the readership - much has changed since then!

I've seen various hobbyist poll results over the last while. A common question being asked these days is "Which digital streaming service is most popular?". This certainly makes sense given the growth of Internet streaming over the years, but much too simplistic! As an audiophile blogger, my interest isn't so much about which commercial service is "winning" since it really doesn't matter too much to most of us I think, and will fluctuate depending on where one lives and what services are available. Instead, audio enthusiasts these days have access to all kinds of ways to listen to music and choices to make including whether we like "spatial audio" as a recent feature.

In Archimago's Musings style ;-), let's go deeper and get a detailed survey going, collecting anonymous data on who you are, what you use mostly, and what kind of systems you enjoy in 2023 - not just what music service...

Here's what I want to know:

Some demographics (age range and gender)
Always important to contextualize results to the respondents!

In the last 3 months of music listening, which of the following services or systems of playback did you use the most, currently in early 2023?

Make only one choice for this one. Don't overthink this, the first answer that comes to mind is probably the best. If you switched over to a new service in the last month and likely will stick with it, then just select that service. Note that the order will be randomized in the poll to decrease presentation bias:

- My own files and / or server computer.
- YouTube
- Spotify
- Apple Music
- Amazon Music
- Qobuz
- Tidal
- Deezer
- Pandora
- Tencent Music
- NetEase Music
- Yandex Music 
- Radio - AM/FM or apps like iHeartRadio, SiriusXM, Stingray
- I rarely stream, prefer physical digital (like CD, SACD...)
- I rarely stream, prefer physical analog (vinyl LP, reel-to-reel, cassettes...)
<< My own answer! >>

As you can see, I've been quite inclusive. I've included all the typical streaming services we talk about in the English-speaking Western world including YouTube (never underestimate!), but also Asian streamers like Tencent which also have a significant presence worldwide. Also, in recognition that some might listen to radio mostly, that's available as well.

Furthermore, not everyone streams music using a service. Some of us (including myself for full disclosure) might still listen mainly to our own computer audio music collections, might still play CD/SACDs primarily, or prefer to listen to vinyl most of the time.

Finally, for maximum inclusiveness, notice there's a place for your own answer. If you honestly feel for example that you listen to "Tidal and local files equally in Roon", then by all means fill in the last option with that, or maybe the name of another streaming service not listed.

What type of set-up do you mainly listen to?
So are you a speaker system person? Headphones? Car audio?

When listening to headphones/IEMs, do you prefer wired or wireless?
Important question I think with the rise of some fantastic sounding Bluetooth headphones these days!

Do you listen to multichannel "spatial audio" content?
As services include more multichannel stuff, I'm curious how it might be consumed and whether folks may have tried but disliked the sound.

Do you pay attention to different album "masterings"?
This might be interesting. Over the years I've talked about the importance of the "production" we're listening to. I know everyone can hear differences between remasters, but do many of us care?

What words or phrases do you use to describe yourself as an audio hobbyist?
Over the years we've heard the term "audiophile" might need to be replaced due to various negative connotations it may have. Wondering what you call yourself!?

General comments for me?
Finally, an optional text box. Any general comments or feedback? Any personal feelings about audio/audiophilia these days? Anything you want to see tested? Leave me a note if you want to connect (I'll try my best). Or feel free to describe your audio system so I have an idea of what you're doing out there!

Note that an answer needs to be provided for each question except for the last comments box. Some have only 1 answer allowed, others can have multiple choices you can select or use the "other" comment field to complete.

Have fun and hope you're enjoying the music! Looking forward to virtually "meeting" you and getting your opinions...

Feel free to spread the link around (I'll leave the survey open for at least a couple months into maybe end of April):

Ready? Here you go...

Survey has completed and results can be found here (May 7, 2023).


  1. Not sure if my answers were actually recorded

    1. Same here. When I finish and click "Click Here To Submit" nothing happens afterward to indicate the submission. (E.g. no "thanks for submitting" or whatever)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm seeing good number of responses folks, keep 'em coming ;-).

      You'll know when it's submitted because it won't let you submit again.

  2. Replies
    1. I hope it's pretty easy for everyone to read and vote on!

  3. Should have a question about how you listen to your preferred service, i.e. native app, roon, blue os, sonos, heos, musicast, etc.

    1. Good point... Maybe next time ;-).

      Lots of possible apps out there so probably will need to be a custom field if we want to capture all options!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks bambadoo!

      Appreciate the feedback from everyone so far. ;-)

  5. Where are the results available pls? I see only "You have already completed this". Just wanted to check I am NO mainstream :-) .....

    1. Hey there Read,
      As with most of my polls and listening tests, there's a bit of analysis to be done and the results presented ;-).

      All in good time... I got a feeling many here are by no means "mainstream" ;-).

  6. Somewhat relevant: Qobuz is apparently finally coming to Canada in May:
    Might be for me: more expensive than Apple, but less platform-dependent.
    But does anybody else have a wee problem with "We are delighted to welcome _Canadians and Quebecers_ into the big Qobuz community"? I wonder if it will be bilingual.

    1. Thanks Phil,
      About time it comes to Canada!

      Hmmm, so are "Quebecers" also "Canadians"? Weird nonsense like much of public discourse in all kinds of ways these days!

      Yeesh, what's this QUB Musique stuff? I hope for those of us not particularly interested won't in some way be "pushed" with all kinds of recommendations unless we indicate some curiosity (like start putting Quebec artists in our favourites).

      BTW folks. Can anyone comment on the availability of multichannel or Atmos stuff in the Qobuz library these days?

    2. Presto music has introduced yet another streaming service for classical & jazz (and some middle-of-the-road stuff like soundtracks) available in UK/USA/EU/Canada, but if you never or very rarely listen to pop/rock/hip hop/etc./etc. it might be a nice choice:

      30-day trial available. I occasionally still buy downloads from them and the rare presto CD and have found them to be great to deal with.
      Looks pretty competitive with Qobuz.
      No surround/Atmos/spatial, I assume.

    3. Hi Arch et al
      I activated my Qobuz trial. First thoughts:
      - no surround/mch tracks that I can find
      - the app is a little better than Apple's in terms of search and discography
      - better notes than Apple for classical especially (Apple Classical is only on iPhone, and I don't have one nor expect to.)
      - fewer total tracks than Apple/Spotify, but for my listening (classical, jazz, blues, world, some classic rock/alt), equal or better. I found a couple of classical items on Qobuz that aren't on Apple (Apple has partial CD contents.)
      - Qobuz is not available on Apple TV or Android TV, but is available on Android phone
      Having the remainder of a year left on my Apple subscription, I won't be switching soon. And even when it's up, I expect to stay with apple, especially if Apple Classical gets released on more platforms, for the availability on multiple devices and for the surround content (even if it's not TrueHD.)
      All for now, looking forward to the blind 16/24 bit survey results. Keep well,

  7. Vinyl at home for critical and pleasure on a 2.2 dedicated analog system. Digital for the road.
