Saturday 14 September 2024

Pacific Audio Fest 2024: Part I. [And expensive speaker cables unanimously turned down in a blind test?! 😕]

This is the third year for the Pacific Audio Fest which first started in 2022, basically after the COVID-19 pandemic reopenings. I think the first 2 years of the show were quite similar in size but this third show is clearly a smaller event with fewer display rooms and less stalls in the Marketplace. Correlated with that, I also noticed fewer headphone set-ups to try out.

To be honest, while I think this probably was disappointing for some, I only had a couple of days to visit anyways so this actually worked out driving into Seattle on Saturday morning, stayed a night, and got home by later afternoon Sunday having felt like I spent enough time in each room, even visiting a few of the rooms a number of times to compare.

So, let's have a peek at some audiophile eye-candy and consider the goods out on display this year. Let's be honest, one of the most important specs whenever doing any shopping is the asking price. Unless specified otherwise, all prices are in USD.

The show ran from September 6-8, 2024 at the SeaTac DoubleTree Hilton which is the same as in previous years. I spent the 7th and 8th "hitting the rooms". Let's go!

Saturday 7 September 2024

AS WE HEAR IT: Moving forward as audiophiles & a plea for higher dynamic range music (to Epica). [Plus highest DR Oasis - Definitely Maybe.]

Well, this weekend is Pacific Audio Fest 2024 and I figure since it's nearby in Seattle and they've decided to make it every 2 years (next in 2026), I'll pop down for a look and listen for a couple days. It's fun staying incognito for the most part as a "more objective" audiophile even if this might not be the prevailing culture at these shows to get a sense of how the megabuck systems perform, what's potentially exciting, and observe the trajectory of the hobby. Given the busyness of work these days, I'll just take my time this year on the show reports with pictures, sharing some thoughts over the next couple weeks.

For this post, it's time for an "As We Hear It" article based on reader E-mails.

I. First Watt Amplifiers & Progressing as Audiophiles

June 26, 2024

Hi Achi:

Your blog took me here (ie. E-mail address) and thanks for all your wonderful work to make the audiophiles' world a better place. Here is my little story.

I have been an audiophile for as long as I can remember. But only recently decided to get serious about the equipment side of things. Thanks to the YouTube channel called Audiophiliac by Steve Guttenberg, I quickly decided to get a pair of Magnepan speakers. That was wonderful, due to planar construction, the transparency and soundstage is amazing.