At the heart of most subjective vs. objective heated audiophile debates is the concern about the ease by which a person can dramatically exaggerate claims about sound quality without controlled listening tests, measurements, or any other higher level of evidence beyond personal testimony.
Without any meaningful repercussions, we can say almost anything, claim we experience almost anything, regardless of whether it's true, misperceived, or intentionally exaggerated for financial gain, status among peers, or other benefits. It is necessary therefore that audiophiles who read, watch, or listen to such comments develop the skills for critical thinking to assess such "testimonies"; acceptance without critical thought is simply blind faith, potentially leading us in directions we regret or might even be unhealthy. (See also the article on the types of "subjectivisms" in audiophilia.)
For this post, let's talk about a topic which has been around awhile but perhaps more notable over the last few years about passive speaker crossovers. In particular, the idea that at times quite expensive parts upgrades make desirable, even "huge" differences toward better sound quality.
Grab a seat, open up a beverage, sit by the fireplace if it's cold outside, and let's think about this stuff for a moment, dear audiophiles...
I. Background
To start, I think many of us are aware that this discussion is happening more in the YouTube space, much of it centered on the work of Danny Richie and his GR-Research channel where he has discussed a number of speakers from various brands, typically sent in by owners for assessment and potential modifications.
In the videos, the usual sequence of events is that he will critique the physical hardware, then show and critique some frequency responses, impedance curves and waterfall plots. Then he often will talk about modifications and particularly will design and sell crossovers that those interested might want to buy as DIY upgrade kits - they're not inexpensive, typically costing US$250+ for the parts.
Certainly, there is potential to do good work here, and good education to be had in those videos. Audiophiles should check out his channel to look inside loudspeakers of various prices, the drivers, his observations about workmanship, cabinet issues (eg. edge diffraction), and what he's able to achieve with crossover mods that will usually flatten out the frequency response. Also, tips like using his "No Rez" damping material for resonant enclosures might help.
Among other things we'll get to, there are some obvious issues that can "rub audiophiles the wrong way" in these videos for various reasons. For example, I'm not so enthusiastic about his huffing-and-puffing, head-shaking, eye-rolling emotional demeanor with breathy sighs when he talks and typically criticizes the products he receives. I guess some people just talk like that as part of their character, maybe it works for others, but his non-verbal manner I feel projects a level of arrogance which I believe is over the top and simply unnecessary. This is typically mixed with subjective claims around how dramatic things could sound if these speaker designs were better, often based not on the measurements he shows but just general beliefs about what parts "sound" like, or how the music is "sucked out" due to components, wires, or connectors that otherwise electrically are working fine.
About 4 months ago, Andrew Robinson in a video probably made a veiled stab at GR-Research, basically stating that he didn't care about crossover parts - "Who cares?" if the XO is made from a "Buffalo nickel", paperclip, etc... If the speaker sounds good, then let's move on and not worry about those parts.
It seems like this got GR-Research's attention with Danny posting this response:
More or less, I'm with Andrew on this one (obviously he's being facetious with the nickel, paperclip, etc.). As consumers, do we really need to open up every box we buy to examine the quality of the components inside? Does it matter whether every resistor in our hi-res DAC is of tight tolerance so long as it sounds good and objectively performs well? If high tolerances and more expensive parts are needed in a speaker, shouldn't we leave it to the company's professional designers to know when and where it's beneficial so as not to waste money on insignificant gain?
If a hi-fi product satisfies a customer's needs including sounding good for the price (based on comparison with other products) and works reliably for the life of the product, that should be good enough. For more objective technically oriented consumers, we can look for objective reviews, or even measure devices ourselves, adding an extra level of quantitative evaluation.
If consumers don't have good experiences and measurements look poor, this is feedback which reduces interest in the product, and the company doesn't make as much money. They can then do better next time with their newer generation as part of normal capitalistic competition. To dig into the crossovers, judge components, wiring, connectors, as standard operating procedure with such drama, is outside normal mainstream hobbyist behavior. This is clearly intended to either "feed" obsessional enthusiasts who hold certain extreme, speculative, even misleading beliefs which we'll get to, or to create attention through taunting companies for being "too cheap".
Danny Richie does this not in the spirit of sharing how to improve the speakers as a fellow DIY enthusiast because he does not publish his designs freely as other DIY'ers typically do on various forums; rather, he has something more expensive to sell you. There's nothing immoral, illegal, or wrong with doing this, just that it's not the most noble course of action if the intent is primarily said to educate and improve the community in these videos.
If he had published the schematics as well as sold his kits, this would be a demonstration of transparency - just as he forces transparency and critique of other speaker companies and their products that he disassembles! The DIY community can then critique, even further improve, his crossover designs. Manufacturers might learn a thing or two to update future products. Win-win for everyone including ultimately the consumer. He doesn't do this, he's not that kind of hero. 🤔 [For comparison, Nelson Pass is very open with his DIY designs.]
Regarding higher quality components, these days, some brands will advertise better parts used in their marketing (like in the computer motherboard space, or in audio with amplifier companies talking about the use of Nichicon caps, Sumida inductors, and such). From what I can tell, the reason for doing this is NOT to insist that these parts directly correlate to making a computer faster, or sound quality better (although might be implied), but mainly to increase confidence that the product is built to last. Notice that many of these parts are from Japan or Europe to distance the device from just using very inexpensive generic Chinese components at rock bottom prices.
When it comes to speakers, obviously depending on the drivers and cabinetry, the passive crossovers need to be designed optimally. Typically, we expect a good speaker to have reasonable frequency response (relatively flat on- and off-axis as per research on preferences, decent treble extension, acceptable bass), and not extremely low impedance (nice to keep 4Ω and above, eh?). The optimized crossover design will target specific frequency ranges and filter steepness correlating to the limits of the drivers. DIY guys have been tinkering with crossovers for decades now with the assistance of design and simulation software like VituixCAD, LspCAD, Xsim, SoundEasy, WinSpeakerz, among others. Even if we insist that there is a significant amount of art in perfecting these designs, it's mostly not rocket science. Arguably, the best, most accurate, crossovers in the 21st Century would be programmable DSP-based anyways, not these old-skool passive designs.
The idea that components themselves - like resistors, or capacitors, or inductors - rather than the design, is somehow capable of making a big difference to the sound is pushing us into the territory of other kinds of tweaks like magical-sounding wires/cables or opamp "rolling" where objective results and controlled blind listening tests either have not been done (probably because there's likely little to show for the effort) or has not shown meaningful change regardless of whether some people insist they hear remarkable differences. Let's be honest, this is the territory of the audio snake oil salesmen who feel comfortable with exaggerating claims and marking up prices for questionable value.
While it's fine that Danny is creating these upgrade kits based on his experience to give audiophiles options (with some caveats discussed below), I think it's reasonable to say that if the result sounds better, it's most likely because of the improved frequency response as in the videos with graphs like this - for example the Wilson Watt/Puppy Series 8 recently:
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Before and after. Notice his use of the Audiomatica CLIO measurement system, basic gated measurements down to 200Hz at 1 meter, and low-resolution 1/3-octave smoothed plots. In this video he's being very disingenuous in his description of the Klippel and "Spinorama" system. Regarding the low resolution, he claims "that's an industry standard... everybody uses 1/3-octave smoothing". Maybe 20 years ago? Modern ANSI/CEA-2934-A specifies a data acquisition frequency resolution of "at least 1/12 octave". Most "Spinorama" graphs are 1/12, maybe lowest 1/6-octave smoothed. Toole favors 1/20-octave. |
The fact that he uses ostensibly higher quality, more expensive parts for his premium crossover kits is fine. But unless there is evidence of big sonic changes, do we need to poo-poo stock crossovers just because the look of the parts are "cheesy" if the measured speaker performance is still objectively good, and consumers are not complaining?
Still frame from his Wharfedale Linton video (Lintons cost ~US$1500):
II. Evidence for parts upgrades?
Now when it comes to evidence, as far as I am aware, there's no proof that otherwise normally performing capacitors change "sound" significantly, binding posts make a big difference nor that non-inductive resistors will have a huge effect.
The only blind listening test summary I've come across is this one on the Audioholics forum (thanks for the link AD):
Capacitor Sound Blind Test (Solen metalized polypropylene vs. mylar vs. electrolytic)
Notice that the summary is from 2004. The idea of "expensive parts sound better" is not a new one among audiophiles even if Danny has perhaps popularized the idea in these recent days of YouTube. As you might have guessed, the blind test did not find any evidence that the more expensive Solen capacitor sounded better than the cheap electrolytic.
[In the world of audio there are expensive capacitors like the Sonicap Platinums, another one is the Jupiter brand with fans of the "sound" like this guy. Audio Note has been calling theirs the "world's finest" for a long time.]
For further objective test results, I suggest having a look at this excellent post on AudioScienceReview where a number of these ideas have been examined. For convenience, here are the links (amazing work ctrl!):
[One needs to be careful since parts upgrades with the same value capacitor or inductor can change the part's resistance. So it might not be as simple as a direct drop-in replacement when aiming to exactly replicate the crossover electrically.]
By the way, a possibly very good test subject for listening could be the Andrew Jones-designed MoFi SourcePoint 8 speaker which Danny made a video on last year. The reason being that frequency response from his crossover was essentially untampered although impedance changed (looks like minimum impedance actually dropped from stock 8Ω with his new crossover):
New, the SourcePoint 8 sells for $2000/pair without stands currently direct from MoFi. So the crossover kit is somewhere between 22-33% of the speakers' price without accounting for the time and other materials to build. Let's not forget the effect on the warranty and the potential to mess things up and end up with worse speaker performance (among other cautions below). Personally, I would never jeopardize existing warranty by doing these mods, and DIY work is unlikely to be good for the speaker's resale value.
Since there is little frequency response change, and probably insignificant variance due to impedance for most amps, it would be very interesting to run a volume-controlled blind test of the stock vs. upgraded SourcePoint 8. At this price point, the driver and enclosure should be at an excellent level to listen for significant changes. Evidence of listener preferences towards the GR-Research crossover would be nice to prove given the +25% in price, plus time, plus effort!
Danny's take is that the speakers now sound to be of "much higher quality detail levels", it's a "really worthwhile jump", "you need this upgrade", "very substantial". Blind listening identification should be an absolute cakewalk if all this is true, right?!
[Here's a video of a Wharfedale Diamond 10.1 comparison (older version of modern Diamond 12.1, typically $400-500). If you want to, grab the uncompressed 24/48 .wav file in the YouTube description, maybe cut up the segments into individual files and try ABX testing. There are amplitude differences with the crossover-upgraded recordings ($358 kit, almost price of stock speakers), louder by >0.25dB, along with recency bias where the upgraded sample always plays after stock speaker, likely would increase preference for the upgrade in casual listening. Make sure to apply volume normalization and randomize which sample you listen to first for a more fair comparison. Try with good headphones and amp.
It would not be difficult to take this audio sample from GR-Research/New Record Day and create an Internet Blind Listening Test out of that 24/48 file. See if you can "easily" identify the difference! Let me know if you're interested in doing this because supposedly, despite being a recording, we can "still hear a big difference... in clarity, and detail, and resolution... a lot different... because these (stock) parts smear the signals..." according to Danny.]
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IMO, the "anti-Flat-Earth" gimmick is just a strawman smoke screen for other irrational beliefs he holds. |
IV. Caution on those kits
[My SS-CS5 has a production date of July 2024 so it might be interesting to measure this compared to ASR's 2019 production year.]
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Notice that difference between Klipsch vs. GR-Research measurement at 2-4kHz. Ears sensitive here, could be quite significant. |
[I see that Danny made a response video to address the Jay's Iyagi video where he expresses his belief that "we know" already all these upgrades in parts and connectors make a difference so there's no need to further confirm that his work is beneficial for each upgrade. I really don't believe "we know" is adequate.He also tries to contrast "design work" claiming this can be done with one speaker, but AudioScienceReview's "reviewing" using 1 speaker is a no-no? His answer unfortunately deviates back to his usual simplistic unsubstantiated idea that cheap parts damage sound (ie. inaccurate harmonics and diminished natural decay) but does not address the fact that he simply does not bother, nor can, hear his crossovers reproducing the 3D soundstage.
Sure, ASR's review with one speaker might be inaccurate due to getting a poor unit to test out, but Amir is not trying to sell anything, it's a review, a mostly measurement-based data point for consumers to consider. As for GR-Research, he's selling a kit for a few hundred bucks billed as a substantial improvement. What loudspeaker manufacturer would not have a stereo set-up to listen to the product in the intended fashion to confirm good "design work" before selling? In one video, he complained that ASR "don't do reviews, they just measure and test stuff and theorize what it would sound like". Seriously Danny, this is hypocritical because that's literally your crossover upgrade "design work"! There's more from that video that condemns his own actions, but I think this is good enough.
Anyhow, I find it all a bit dissonant to "call out" reviewers who at least are listening with stereo pairs and can comment on soundstage when he can't even do that in designing these kits regardless of how well-treated his room is.]
1. A masterclass passive crossover designer who uses elementary measurements to create crossovers that surpass the efforts of basically every company he has come across. Using just one speaker.2. An audiophile "golden ear" who vehemently claims to hear unmeasurable, likely insignificant when blind tested, audible benefits from expensive parts, connectors, wires, etc. Which he happens to also sell.
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Showing off 3 crossovers claiming that the big one "doesn't degrade the signal", allowing full spatial cues, sounding "big", "deep", "layered", soundstage described as "this is like being there". How do you ensure these characteristics when designing "upgrade" crossovers with just 1 speaker? |
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This has the cheapest parts, wires & connectors: "Measures exactly the same... dull as hell..." Notice that he makes lots of "just so" unsophisticated correlations between sound quality and types of components (eg. electrolytic caps = audible smearing, really so simple?). How much of that is actually true and can be empirically measured or better yet blind tested? Probably almost none. This part on hearing cable differences (any cable - power, analog or digital!) because of idealization of his room and gear is simply not believable and puts into question a lot of what else he "hears". |
[Here's GR-Research's video on the LGK 2.0 with admission that these need low-frequency filtering. Since when did fully-finished >US$1100 desktop speakers, referred to as "giant killers" no less, not handle genres with deep bass, or require that customers EQ out low frequencies to avoid severe distortions? (Here's his filter when capturing clips.)
To rectify this, I see that the 3" driver is paired with a small 5" woofer for the LGK 2.1 ("Whats (sic) The Best Speaker Ever?").
He's also using this driver with the GR-Research/New Record Day's upcoming line of Aria speakers paired with his 5¼" M130 woofer. Notice the off-centered front placement, and centered rear dipole/quasi-omni effect I presume, interesting. The claim is excellent imaging and vocals are "un-be-lievable". However, they are messing around with the Caelin Gabriel/Shunyata unmeasurable woo-woo stuff like the HARP module, and KPIP "technology" (see this). 🫣 I wonder how much that stuff adds to the price. Will be interesting to see what the reviewers say and measurements look like when released.
BTW, speaking of distortion from that LGK 2.0, notice that GR-Research's videos and website lack distortion measurements. I wonder when he designs crossovers for speakers from other brands whether there is a change to distortion before and after, and also changes in speaker sensitivity.]
I hope you're enjoying the music, friends.
GR-Research, wondering if you'd consider making the Aria "Non-UFO-Believer Edition" speaker line?Sure, use the high quality parts, but spare those who don't want any Shunyata "technology" inside unless there is evidence of benefit to frequency response, time domain (waterfall, step response), or improved distortion (measured in a very quiet room of course)?
Knock a couple hundred bucks off or whatever to remove the Shunyata stuff. Might be more interesting for non-believers.
Along those lines, how about a "Standard Edition" for those who don't want boutique parts, again with no objective evidence of benefits. No need for exotic Sonicaps (some good polypropylenes would be fine), good binding posts, reasonable 5% non-inductive resistors, good quality inductors. Make sure good pair-matching of course. Knock some more dollars off on those as well for the customer.
Assuming no ridiculous tariffs on Canada for no fact-based reason (LOL, fentanyl and illegals from up north!?), I can imagine grabbing a "Non-UFO-Believer-Edition" or "Standard Edition" for my desktop use! 😁
New music from FKA twigs - "Childlike Things" from EUSEXUA (2025) - as often the case, the multichannel/Atmos mix sounds quite interesting:
Old music from John 'Cougar' Mellencamp - "Small Town" (Acoustic Version) from Scarecrow (1985):
In the early 80s this question had floated around and the knowledgeable knew that it depends. If there was no problem and the values of the replacement parts was identical, then it would sound the same. If however, the replacement part actual value was different than the original then some difference would be experienced. For some that there was a difference instantly meant it was an improvement because a supposedly higher quality part was assumed to be used.
ReplyDeleteDifferences do not necessarily mean improvement.
The published values on parts do not necessarily correspond to the measure values. There sometimes were differences in installed values when compared to the factory schematic. One could not tell whether this was because the value installed was off spec but matched the schematic or whether the crossover was tweaked over time but the schematic did not change. This can occur even with schematics of professional companies like B&W even on their series 800 speakers!
My suspicion is that Danny does sometimes go over the top but if one were to view his videos one can sometimes get little nuggets but the viewer must have some level of knowledge beforehand. My feeling is that his descriptions of differences are exaggerated sometimes. But then we must cut him some slack because this happens in most things we purchase today.
What I can say is this, his review of the Polk LSIM703 is correct as I have a pair of those and concur with his conclusion but would I perform his mod? not a chance, the DIY crossover would not fit in the speakers.
Having said this, I now believe that passive crossovers have higher losses than we understand. I tried recapping my 802s I have had since 1981 and the results were not good or as good as I had hoped. It was obvious the old crossover capacitors were suspect but getting caps with the same values As well as the losses identical to the original was not possible. Most people would just accept the changes and move on. I changed my speakers to an active system with DSP using a MiniDSP Flex 8 and 3 FOSI V3 sterero amplifiers.
In tackling this, I had uncovered the reasoning of the original crossovers by the engineers but incorporated aspects impossible to achieve in 1979 without DSP.
I stepped it up a bit utilizing 8th order Linkwitz Riley slopes, limiting subsonic signals but actively boosting the low end. Correcting some individual inconsistencies between drivers using measurements. Finally arriving at fabulous sound with drivers over 40 years old.
I will comment that over a band of frequencies small voicing details of 0.5 to 1 is actually very audible in the midrange. ... but "very audible" varies by individual.
My current in build project uses the same concepts but using two 15 RSS390" subs with the SB Acoustics Sasandu Textreme drivers using a combination of FOSI Mono, Benchmark AHB2 and Neurochrome Modulus 86 amps and the Flex 8.
In conclusion, be very careful if you are unable to measure when making changes and you better understand what you are doing. I began my first speaker project in 1978, made an active 4 way system in 1980 with many mistakes due to lack of knowledge, figured out speaker design is a lot more complicated than many realize and it took me many many years to distill all the knowledge I needed to make my own active system near 40 years later.
Greetings Mike,
DeleteThanks for the background and your discussion of current projects! Nice evolution into the modern day of active DSP crossovers. 🙂
For sure, there will be losses due to these passive crossovers and companies and individuals need to know what they're doing when fooling around with this stuff. A few points from your comments I wholeheartedly want to echo:
1. Change does not always mean better.
2. Before embarking on any DIY kit, the "perfectionist" audiophile better understand what they're doing including running measurements to make sure they can prove to themselves that this is an improvement in their system! I think GR-Research needs to have a warning in each of those videos and kit websites about risks if they choose to proceed. Instead all we see at the top of his webpage is this:
"Taking your stock speakers to the next level with our DIY Modification Kit is EASY to do. Our kits include everything needed to elevate your audio experience. All kit prices are for the PAIR unless it’s a center channel speaker. To better understand how parts matter, please watch the YouTube video below. If you have questions, check out our FAQ."
He needs a Robby The Robot "Danger Will Robinson" disclaimer as he tries to reach the masses of audiophiles on YouTube. Not some hyped "EASY to do" claim as if everything is good and anyone can proceed!
3. I agree, 0.5-1dB could be significant depending on the frequency especially the mid/upper-mid (around 1.5-5kHz) where our ears are most sensitive. This is definitely why we need to ensure that speaker pair-matching is good. Something we have to do ourselves and a very obvious blind spot that Danny cannot confirm with his kits using one speaker as his only reference for the most part.
Hi Arch:
ReplyDeleteSkimming your article about Dannie Richey was really amusing. I've seen a few of his videos and I was struck with how insistent he was about how premium resistors, caps and inductors could transform all these speakers. I'm sure there is some truth that some speakers could benefit from a crossover rebuild with better value, slopes,etc--especially the Wilson's which are meant to impress the clueless and well-to-do who walk into a showroom with zero knowledge of what they want other than it be "the best that money can buy." But it would, of course, destroy their resale value, as will any of Dannie's improvements! Nobody wants to buy a modded speaker, and no one will want to pay $10 k for it. Ever. And if you already have a speaker with properly designed crossovers like the Wharfdale Lintons, or any Kef design, I don't see why anyone would want to mess with a performant design to make it "better."
As for the premium parts debate, it's of course B.S. As one of your readers, I'm struck by the contrast between this old fashioned and largely bogus way of "improving" speakers , and the opportunities you recently outlined by DSP platforms like Dirac (especially the amazing ART).
Using something like Dirac (or Audiolense or aCCourate), you can really improve the sound of the speaker and adapt it for the room and do it without in any way physically modifying it and ruining its resale value. It's a dramatic, audible upgrade and costs around the same as the audio woo Dannie purveys. Your money, your choice.
And as for the "qualitative, non-measurable" improvements, I'd like these guys to put forth an explanation based on any scientific theory or even hypothesis that could conceivably support that. The science behind audio reproduction is really quite old, going back to 19 century wave theory. It's all worked out and has been accepted as complete and accurate for over a century and a half. So I'd dearly love to know what "quality" people like Amir, Nuyes, Erin, and yourself need to still measure to fully capture how and to what degree a given speaker reproduces sound waves. Betcha the response would either be crickets, or the accusation we're just Geico spokespeople.
I want to say that you can improve a speaker by inserting a "better" crossover if the first one was built with components that are "lossy". So not all of Danny's designs are of no value. Inductors do matter when you insert them in the high power areas of the circuit. Now you can account for these losses by inserting a resistive component in series with the inductor during design, however these losses are NOT linear. How significant this is depends on where these components are being placed and how much power is going through. So it is not as simple to say it is nonsense that parts do not make a difference. They can sometimes.
DeleteIn my early years of speaker building and I mean the mid to late 70s I understood Thiele formulas and building boxes when I was in engineering but I always asked myself what was the difference in performance of the speaker itself. I did not "get" it until many years later when I started to uncover the non linearity of speaker drivers. That small signal testing and specifications are different from real world performance with serious power. Non linearities causing compression would happen with inexpensive drivers and this could explain why cheap drivers distorted and compressed music. So not only was this happening in drivers but also within the speaker crossover itself.
To a degree you can compensate for this inside the DSP ( wonderful device) but you will then encounter thermal effects that can build up or set limits to what is possible. Engineering is wonderful since there is never an end but a compromise stacked upon another. Depending at the level you're playing it can or will not make a difference.
What I can say is I suspect many speakers are not engineered properly and Danny is able to improve them if they were not. But remember that engineers within speaker companies change and the brand does not always determine whether proper engineering was done. There are no qualifications to be a speaker engineer. You are unable to determine a proper speaker engineer unless you know something of speaker engineering yourself though.
One example was when Paul and Darrel from PS audio was attempting to design speakers. It was somewhat painful to watch because these two chaps who had just begun their journey in speaker design. Now as soon as Chris stepped into the scene I saw a person who knew what he was doing and would bring successful speakers forward. Then one day he quipped in a video of his dream of using DSP for an active system and this actually lit a fire and convinced to make the move and get a Flex 8 and try my unfinished quest from 1980 and modify my old 802s.
Now I know the author is in Vancouver during my last two years at UBC I used to play with the large anechoic chamber inside the mech labs when it was not being used since the prof who built it had gone to Ottawa as an MP. I built my first mini auto speaker in there. I always wonder if it is still there.
Hey Phoenix,
DeleteYeah, I think it's interesting to see the Wilson Audio video and check out that potted crossover hiding their trade secrets. 😄 Indeed I don't see why anyone would buy a DIY modded luxury product unless the mod was certified professionally done (maybe stuff like ModWright certified work back in the day may have fetched a bit extra).
I too would love to hear from those who believe that there are still significant "audible" factors we're largely missing these days in the measurement of hi-fi systems from the folks who subscribe to "woo" products!
Yo Mike,
DeleteAgree, we can absolutely have better designs, and make sure better components / assembly / soldering / connectors to achieve the best quality. Alas, I suspect like many products, "diminishing returns" for those components come rather quickly - well before throwing out all "sand-cast" resistors, replace with big air core inductors, and upper-end Sonicaps/Audio Note capacitors! 😉
Given that his kits are highly DIY, I still think he should have been a mensch and published the circuitry along side selling his expensive parts. At least as a nod to the DIY spirit so others can learn and debug if there are issues. I really don't like that he rips apart other people's designs, assumes what he's doing with his measurements + kits can so "easily" work for others, yet ultimately doesn't give back by sharing his work. Like I said in the article, he doesn't have to do this, but it's just not cool nor admirable, and audiophiles need to be very cautious before jumping into these crossover kits.
Sadly, I think this all goes with the underlying character and his willingness to entertain the nonsense of companies like Shunyata in his upcoming speakers. IMO, there is a mask of scientific sanity here which rational audiophiles need to be mindful of when watching these videos, considering his opinions, and dealing with this company.
Mike, I didn't know there was an anechoic chamber at UBC! I see from this 2018 blog post that there was a modest sized room back then.
Hmmm, if there's anyone reading this who knows more, gimme a shout at my E-mail address (archimagosmusings[at]! Would love to have a "listen" to the sound of silence in that room and chat audio stuff...
Bravo Archimago!!
ReplyDeleteOnce again you dissect the "woo", "snake oil" and out and out "BS" that plagues our hobby with a calm, reasoned analysis. Your contributions are valued for showing up the lack of provable substance to so many of these claims. I often wonder why it is that our audiophile hobby is so plagued with these kind of "trust me" claims. This condition has been rife in this industry ever since I can remember (going back to the early 1970's).
One question that has always perplexed me is the level of testing that manufacturers do to weed out individual variation in speaker pairs. (For that matter, what is the level of individual variation in anything that tends to be "tested" publicly, e.,g. cars, camera lenses, etc.). You almost touch on this when you discuss your ferrofluid repair to one speaker and how that would completely undermine any analysis or research claims that only looks at a single speaker.
Keep up the good work. You are making a unique contribution.
Greetings Winslow,
DeleteLots of really questionable stuff out there. I think for us in the audio world, it's just that our ears are not our primary sensory modality and sounds are ephemeral. So it's easier to say things and create plausible stories.
In one of the videos on the new Aria speakers, Danny talks about remarkable change with the Shunyata "HARP module" in and out of the circuit (something about "wire resonance" improvement 🤔). This I think would be a great example of a dramatic claim which I hope seasoned audiophiles already have their "BS detector" turned on for.
I hope when the Aria speakers are released, reviewers make sure to open that up, have a look at what's inside, including the Shunyata stuff like that HARP, and analyze what's in that "module" and whether it makes a difference. Should be totally fair given the nature of GR-Research videos dissecting into the hardware.
I don't know what manufacturers do regarding parts tolerance. For speakers, I do hope that more reviewers make sure to always measure and compare speakers as their intended pairs at least with frequency response. I've been doing that with my "qSpin" measurements when I infrequently do those. Unfortunately ASR doesn't do that, I don't think John Atkinson at Stereophile does that either. And obviously we won't get insight on that with GR Research videos.
By always measuring speaker pairs and commenting on that in reviews, I think this at least keeps manufacturers on their toes for quality control. In many ways, this is one of the most important things we need to know from product reviews!
I like Danny Richie's upgrade videos. He is honest and skilled. I like his articulation of problems in speaker and explanation of the fix what he gives. In India, Imported speakers are very expensive with less resale value and most of have poor quality parts inside and look good from outside and they sound horrible. GR Research kits are very usefull and solves the majority of problem in many speakers
ReplyDeleteGreetings BALA,
DeleteAppreciate the comment and experience. Obviously I can't speak about the situation in India when it comes to these products. Certainly can appreciate that the price of goods can be prohibitive due to import/export situations and global inflation.
I certainly think there's a lot we can learn from Danny's videos. I would disagree that he is totally honest at times because I know some of what he says when he feels criticized (like in response to ASR) is untrue and he'll twist his logic or cover over clear issues.
As for the parts, I don't think there's anything wrong with making sure the quality is good. I just disagree with his claims about how "much better" he believes things sound due to the parts alone versus otherwise reasonable quality components. This is not much different than other aspects of audiophilia. For example, I think a good quality generic US$25 12AWG copper speaker cable can easily perform the same as similar length US$5000 cable from an audiophile brand in the vast majority of situations...
Through that lens, I'd be careful of what Danny wants to sell; whether it represents good, fair value.
Very interesting article.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to human-invented speakers, which have a long history, one can be certain that we know nearly all there is to know about them. We can say with confidence that speaker sound has reached nearly perfect fidelity, and we can also determine with absolute certainty when speakers are not high fidelity through testing and measurement.
I believe it’s possible for a deaf person to create amazing speakers without ever hearing them. Objective testing and measurements provide all the necessary information to design high-performance speakers, independent of personal hearing ability.
I don’t care for subjective speaker reviews. I want speakers to reproduce sound unaltered. I will then use digital effects, an equalizer, and room acoustic correction to adjust for personal sound preferences.
Subjective reviews should be used exclusively for art, and it should be clearly stated in reviews when the recording and mix are objectively poor. In many cases, talented musicians showcase their art in a very poor light, as if seen through frosted glass.
Greetings Dan,
DeleteVery interesting and worthwhile hypothesis - the idea that modern measurements are all that we need to make "good" high-fidelity audio products. In much the same way, for years, I have been asking audiophiles on forums to give me an example of a well-measuring device with no major blemishes that sounds bad to most listeners.
To date, nobody has answered that question which means it probably does not exist. In fact, some forums would close off such discussions or even delete threads back in the day but thankfully not so much now in light of more audiophiles knowledgeable about measurements as compared to pure subjective opinions.
Along those lines, I added a little "PS" to the article.
I wonder if GR-Research would consider helping "objective-leaning" audiophiles by creating a "Non-UFO-Believer Edition" of their supposedly great Aria speakers with no Shunyata stuff inside and maybe save us a few hundred bucks or whatever it costs for that HARP/KPIP stuff. Maybe even a lower priced "Standard Edition" without stuff like exotic capacitors and standard binding posts. Good parts, no change in measurements, save some money.
I think many audiophiles would be happier with the extra value (as objectively judged) with no questionable fluff!
Hey Arch,
ReplyDeleteSlightly unrelated, but I thought you'd be interested in this recent video about CDs vs Streaming by Guido of Anadialog:
What do you think?
I like Guido, his enthusiasm and style is infectious, and his love for music and audio tech is obvious, but he makes some VERY questionable claims, and has done so for ages. Like this for instance, about the "Auric Illuminator" CD kit:
I watch his videos every so often, but take them with shovel loads of salt! They do make me chuckle :-)
Thanks for the link Mister MB.
DeleteYeah, the outcome is "OF COURSE THEY SOUND THE SAME". As if we should be shocked and I appreciate his honesty!
You know what, let's make a blog post on this (maybe this coming week or next) and just address stuff that Guido must have assumed in that video. Thanks for the idea. 😉 The Auric Illuminator video looks hilarious!
Great! :)
DeleteI enjoy Guido's videos despite some of the eyebrow raising claims he makes. I've learnt a thing or two, and he covers some interesting retro tech too - he just seems to be a good-natured enthusiast who, though he may have been taken in by some oddball ideas, but AFAIK isn't selling anything or trying to profit off of any of it.
But that's not to say he should be given a free pass and his claims shouldn't be challenged! I look forward to your blog post :)
I agree MB,
DeleteSeems like a really good natured guy. But there are a few things to be addressed in that video. :-)
I used to enjoy Danny's videos. If you have a question or comment that challenges his views he will likely delete it. Read the comments - you'll be hard pressed to find one that doesn't praise him.
ReplyDeleteHey there Spyder,
DeleteYeah, I find it's typically like that with most YouTube channels these days especially when there's a business angle to it. It is unfortunate. Unless a comment comes from a troll or is obviously rude, I think good debate and discussions demand that comments of disagreement should be left on and addressed if/when possible. I know people write well-considered critical comments only to have it erased and time wasted on an honest point.
Oh well. In part this is why I have my own blog...
Yes and thank you. I'm so glad I finally stumbled upon it.
DeleteThe focus on GR-Research seems a little over the top. At least two of the largest European (Danish) DIY Speaker guys are also big on crossover parts. See Troels Gravenson
ReplyDelete and Humble Homemade HiFi . The Humble Homemade Hifi has an extensive comparison of about every capacitor ever made in its capacitor test section.
I am personally a sceptic of cables and similar tweeks (The only cabel type I regularly seem to identify is if it has silver wire). I have built a number of DIY speakers over the last twenty or so years and believe the crossover parts improve the sound. My basic take is that the speaker cables and every cap, inductor and resistor are part of the crossover and therefore effect the sound. DIY'rs are designing in a way, so it makes sense to change things, but with a commercial speaker, if it changes the sound it deviates from the designers intention. I think Danny is pretty clear on that being his intent when he shows the changes he is trying to acheive. If you are in to this "hobby" you know what you are getting and it is no more or less rash than playing with cables for this purpose.
I did the New Record Day comparison, and acurately differentianted the two files most of the time. It was a while ago, so I am not certain of the percentages, but recall only missing it one time. My approach was to identify what I thought sounded better each time I listened.
I will also note that I have a friend that built one of his higher end x-static open baffel designs and I can only say they live up to the hype.
Sure Bob,
DeleteNo sweat, maybe the parts make a difference, maybe they don't. Will see in time, just that other than anecdotal claims, there's no good evidence.
DIY guys generally will put the perceived best parts in as a function of being passionate about these things. Haven't seen anyone show measurements or blind tests though. Would love to have a look if there are links of tests done!
Not really heavy on measurements, but a bit of a description on the differences in build that justify the cost is at the link: I have to concede that both this and the other comarison article cited in my comment, are primarily subjective.
DeleteI also agree that if you are putting a lot of hours into building a speaker (DIY), the cost of the parts is not the main issue. My background is as an attorney (former oil industry geophysicist) that is well aware of the value of time. Although, I have tended to use mid level caps (Clarity Caps, Sonicaps) and not the ultra expensive Mundorf or Jentzen caps.